cURL Python

Bitpost API

Bitpost API makes bitcoin transactions easier and cheaper for the end user. Server answers in JSend format.

API servers:

Note: new code is tried on testnet first, so it's less stable but might have new features not deployed on mainnet . Testnet can't simulate the fee environment on mainnet, in 99.99% of cases, 1 sat/B transactions will be confirmed.


Manage requests

Create and update fee adjustment requests.

Create a new request

Code samples

# psts = ... (see below)

curl -X POST \
  -d $psts

POST /request

Creates a new fee adjustment request with a set of pre-signed transactions.

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
target query number true Unix epoch timestamp determining when the transactions should be executed (have at least one confirmation).
wallettoken query string false Optional string identifying the wallet who is creating the request. Should contain at least 20 characters.
changepos query integer false Index of the change address output of the transaction (starting with 0). This information can be retrieved later to make child transactions with the /getutxos endpoint. If absent, the change address will be deduced as the the output from which the fee is subtracted. To turn this off, set this parameter to a negative number.
delay query string false Delays broadcasting any transaction until the specified timestamp, thus scheduling payments into the future. Can be set to 1, to allow the application to delay the initial broadcast as it deems fit. Setting it to 0 forces a transaction to be initially broadcasted.
broadcast query string false TxID of the transaction tha was broadcasted or is intended to be broadcasted initially. Our servers will immedialty (re)broadcast this transaction. An index (starting from 0) of body of the request where the raw transaction is present is also accepted.
body body PSTarray or PSTjson true Array of raw signed transactions that signal for RBF with different fees.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "devurl": "",
    "id": "AUFjkLDjNh6",
    "url": "https://localhost:8081/track?query=AUFjkLDjNh6"
  "status": "success"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request None

Response Schema

Change an active request

Code samples

curl -X PUT

PUT /request

Change the parameters (target or delay) of an ongoing request or add additional transactions to it.

Body parameter



Name In Type Required Description
id query string true id of the request to be changed.
wallettoken query string true Wallettoken of the request. If not known, check the /wallettokens endpoint.
target query number false Unix epoch timestamp determining when the transactions should be executed (have at least one confirmation).
delay query string false Delays broadcasting any transaction until the specified timestamp, thus scheduling payments into the future. Can be set to 1, to allow the application to delay the initial broadcast as it deems fit. Setting it to 0 forces a transaction to be initially broadcasted.
changepos query integer false Index of the change address output of the transaction (starting with 0). This information can be retrieved later to make child transactions with the /getutxos endpoint. If absent, the change address will be deduced as the the output from which the fee is subtracted. To turn this off, set this parameter to a negative number.
body body PSTarray false Array of raw signed transactions that signal for RBF with different fees.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK None

Delete a request

Code samples

curl -X DELETE

DELETE /request

Cancels the fee adjustment of a request. Afterwards, this request is allowed to be double-spent.


Name In Type Required Description
wallettoken query string true Wallettoken of the request. If not known, check the /wallettokens endpoint.
id query number false id of the request to be cancelled; required if txid parameter is missing
txid query string false txID of a transaction of the request to be cancelled; required if id parameter is missing


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK None
400 Bad Request Missing or invalid parameters. None
404 Not Found Request not found. None


Obtain information to create new requests or about existing requests.

Track an existing request

Code samples

curl -X GET

GET /request

Tracks an existing request, whether it's complete or not.


Name In Type Required Description
query query string true requestID or txID belonging to a request you want to track.

Example responses

200 Response

  "id": "R9RJJBLz8Kd",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "target": 1594752720,
  "delay": 1594732720,
  "created": 1594702720,
  "mempool": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
  "parents": ["ZUaGsJZvLGq", "WQPF9bHeny7"],
  "childs": ["cWc31ibkoxE"],
  "events": [
      "type": "BROADCAST",
      "subtype": "EXTERNAL_BROADCAST",
      "timestamp": 1594742720345


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK TrackData
400 Bad Request Invalid or missing requestID None

Track all requests

Code samples

curl -X GET

GET /requests

Get summary information about all ongoing requests associated with a wallettoken.


Name In Type Required Description
wallettoken query string true Wallettoken of the request. If not known, check the /wallettokens endpoint.
showall query boolean false Whether to show old requests that have been completed in the past.
showevents query boolean false Whether to the list of events of each request.

Example responses

200 Response

// array can be found under ['data']['requests']
    "id": "R9RJJBLz8Kd",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "target": 1594752720,
    "delay": 1594732720,
    "created": 1594702720,
    "mempool": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
    "parents": ["ZUaGsJZvLGq", "WQPF9bHeny7"],
    "childs": ["cWc31ibkoxE"],
    "events": [
        "type": "BROADCAST",
        "subtype": "EXTERNAL_BROADCAST",
        "timestamp": 1594742720345


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid parameters None

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous [TrackData] false none [contains information about a request.]
» id string false none id of the request.
» status string false none Status of the request.
» target integer false none deadline for first confirmation as an epoch timestamp in seconds.
» delay integer false none Epoch timestamp in seconds until which the first broadcast should be delayed. A value of 0 means "don't delay at all", a value of 1 means "delay as bitpost sees fit".
» created integer false none Epoch timestamp in milliseconds of when the request was originally received.
» mempool string(txid) false none Current mempool transaction (if any) that is part of the reques.
» parents [string] false none array of requestID of the parent requests (if any).
» childs [string] false none array of requestID of the chils requests (if any).
» events [Event] false none none
»» type string false none type of event
»» subtype string false none subtype of event (if any)
»» timestamp integer false none epoch timestamp in milliseconds indicanting when the event occured.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
status ACTIVE

Get spendable UTXOs/transactions

Code samples

curl -X GET

GET /utxos

Get pre-signed transactions or UTXOs relevant to your wallet. Can be used to sign child transactions.


Name In Type Required Description
wallettoken query string true Wallettoken of the request. If not known, check the /wallettokens endpoint.
filter query boolean false Whether to filter the utxos shown so to help selection. UTXOs that were previously broadcasted are always shown. UTXOs that can't replace the ones on the mempool are omitted.
showrawtx query boolean false Whether to show the raw transaction that created the UTXO or not.
showunkownchange query boolean false Whether to show transactions where the change output is unknown or not.
target query integer false The target (in UNIX epoch format) of the request to be added. Used when the filter option is true, otherwise is ignored.

Example responses

200 Response

// array can be found under ['data']['utxos']
    "used": [
        "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
        "vout": 0
    "groupsize": 2,
    "change": [
        "id": "R9RJJBLz8Kd",
        "target": 1594752720,
        "broadcasts": 3,
        "minamout": 0.01259,
        "utxos": [
            "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
            "vout": 0,
            "scriptPubKey": "76a9148f8978cc74c8d76325eef60aed31b5dbab5884ac88ac",
            "amount": 0.06354
    "verification": {
      "05c2ba4a2633a6c5cbec0dc1397b08dbee7b7e2c92ccb95d89f193f61c7a7814": "02000000019f7dd31db699d0528c6659b3862f94e5d3ad4af07a62922b0e3f589fd811c710030000006a473044022064d1ad37bf080f7855904142d93d4e9462f74970688e47a7a0f080933b9cd13c02205c5fe2843d0f7886eeb2104b5fc945005b1fc1e5fc78866c75b217dc1b367b7101210359c83da5f7a1aa0a397e4eb72a698e1a6e80f63c26d49450f79719b3a1f2f580fdffffff029fad5b00000000001976a9145a34ea9f68fc08f668e2838e0484243b99582b4288ac21a969000000000017a914d74f1f37106a8ee3f581197530c67344d00fe214872cc10900"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid or missing wallettoken. None

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous [GroupChangeData] false none none
» used [Outpoint] false none Confirmed UTXOs used by the request group given as an array of outpoints.
»» txid string(hex) false none txid of the transaction that contains the UTXO.
»» vout integer false none index of the UTXO in the output array of the transaction.
» groupsize integer false none number of requests in the request group.
» change [ChangeData] false none array with change UTXOs of every child request.
»» id string false none id of request.
»» target integer false none deadline for first confirmation as an epoch timestamp in seconds.
»» broadcasts integer false none number of transactions already broadcasted in this request.
»» minamout number false none minimum amount of change for the whole set of utxos.
»» utxos [UTXO] false none none
»»» txid string(hex) false none txid of the transaction that contains the UTXO.
»»» vout integer false none index of the UTXO in the output array of the transaction.
»»» scriptPubKey string false none none
»»» amount number false none none
» verification object false none Transactions as txid:hex pair.
»» additionalProperties string false none none

Retrieve a wallettoken

Code samples

# signatureProofs = [...] (see below)

curl -X POST \
  -d $signatureProofs

POST /wallettokens

Get wallettoken(s) by proving ownernship of address(es).

Body parameter

    "signature": "H2w8lDM5dPYu/gHD/yPZglUgMHKy1V/Ov/mEijgtkjp8B7KxEZh2S2PH9lKkjt5SV5bD/zLtJAq6ozAL4sv8ej8=",
    "publickey": "03348b681d8e60730b070dffb88b870f5c51b0dad3e8fcac80c932bad75493ec88"


Name In Type Required Description
body body SignatureProof true Array of signature proofs.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "wallettokens": {
      "old": [],
      "active": ["47738044da01a897843be68a2d5e5c7b"]
  "status": "success"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid parameters None
404 Not Found Didn't found any ongoing requests for the address. None

Response Schema

Get a set of suitable feerates

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET

GET /feerateset

Get a good set of feerates for the pre-signed transactions relayed to bitpost taken into account the current fee environment. The use of this endpoint is totally optional.


Name In Type Required Description
maxfeerate query number true the maximum feerate the owner is willing to pay in satoshis/byte.
size query integer false the number of feerates in the set. It should be no greater than maxfeerate, otherwise it will be adjusted.
canreducefee query boolean false whether or not the fee of the transaction can be reduced. This can happen if the transaction spends from a pending RBF transaction or the first transaction broadcast can be delayed.
target query number false Unix epoch timestamp determining when the payment should be executed (have at least one confirmation). This parameter is required if 'canreducefee' is set to false.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "size": 10,
    "minfeerate": 63.2,
    "feerates": [63.2, 64.2, 65.2, 66.2, 67.2, 68.2, 69.2, 75.6, 84.9, 90],
    "maxfeerate": 90
  "status": "success"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid parameters None

Response Schema




Array of pre-signed transactions that signal for RBF with different fees.




  "rawtxs": [

JSON with a pre-signed transactions array (PSTarray) and other optional information.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
rawtxs PSTarray false none Array of pre-signed transactions that signal for RBF with different fees.


  "id": "R9RJJBLz8Kd",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "target": 1594752720,
  "delay": 1594732720,
  "created": 1594702720,
  "mempool": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
  "parents": ["ZUaGsJZvLGq", "WQPF9bHeny7"],
  "childs": ["cWc31ibkoxE"],
  "events": [
      "type": "BROADCAST",
      "subtype": "EXTERNAL_BROADCAST",
      "timestamp": 1594742720345

contains information about a request.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string false none id of the request.
status string false none Status of the request.
target integer false none deadline for first confirmation as an epoch timestamp in seconds.
delay integer false none Epoch timestamp in seconds until which the first broadcast should be delayed. A value of 0 means "don't delay at all", a value of 1 means "delay as bitpost sees fit".
created integer false none Epoch timestamp in milliseconds of when the request was originally received.
mempool string(txid) false none Current mempool transaction (if any) that is part of the reques.
parents [string] false none array of requestID of the parent requests (if any).
childs [string] false none array of requestID of the chils requests (if any).
events [Event] false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
status ACTIVE


  "type": "BROADCAST",
  "subtype": "EXTERNAL_BROADCAST",
  "timestamp": 1594742720345


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
type string false none type of event
subtype string false none subtype of event (if any)
timestamp integer false none epoch timestamp in milliseconds indicanting when the event occured.


  "signature": "H2w8lDM5dPYu/gHD/yPZglUgMHKy1V/Ov/mEijgtkjp8B7KxEZh2S2PH9lKkjt5SV5bD/zLtJAq6ozAL4sv8ej8=",
  "publickey": "03348b681d8e60730b070dffb88b870f5c51b0dad3e8fcac80c932bad75493ec88"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
signature string(base64) false none Signature of the message "bitpost" appended with the current second epoch divided by 1000 (eg. "bitpost1594735"). The sighash should be prepared as in bitcoin core. More info -
publickey string(hex) false none compressed or uncompressed public key used for the signature and whose ownership wants to be proven.


  "used": [
      "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
      "vout": 0
  "groupsize": 2,
  "change": [
      "id": "R9RJJBLz8Kd",
      "target": 1594752720,
      "broadcasts": 3,
      "minamout": 0.01259,
      "utxos": [
          "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
          "vout": 0,
          "scriptPubKey": "76a9148f8978cc74c8d76325eef60aed31b5dbab5884ac88ac",
          "amount": 0.06354
  "verification": {
    "05c2ba4a2633a6c5cbec0dc1397b08dbee7b7e2c92ccb95d89f193f61c7a7814": "02000000019f7dd31db699d0528c6659b3862f94e5d3ad4af07a62922b0e3f589fd811c710030000006a473044022064d1ad37bf080f7855904142d93d4e9462f74970688e47a7a0f080933b9cd13c02205c5fe2843d0f7886eeb2104b5fc945005b1fc1e5fc78866c75b217dc1b367b7101210359c83da5f7a1aa0a397e4eb72a698e1a6e80f63c26d49450f79719b3a1f2f580fdffffff029fad5b00000000001976a9145a34ea9f68fc08f668e2838e0484243b99582b4288ac21a969000000000017a914d74f1f37106a8ee3f581197530c67344d00fe214872cc10900"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
used [Outpoint] false none Confirmed UTXOs used by the request group given as an array of outpoints.
groupsize integer false none number of requests in the request group.
change [ChangeData] false none array with change UTXOs of every child request.
verification object false none Transactions as txid:hex pair.
» additionalProperties string false none none


  "id": "R9RJJBLz8Kd",
  "target": 1594752720,
  "broadcasts": 3,
  "minamout": 0.01259,
  "utxos": [
      "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
      "vout": 0,
      "scriptPubKey": "76a9148f8978cc74c8d76325eef60aed31b5dbab5884ac88ac",
      "amount": 0.06354


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string false none id of request.
target integer false none deadline for first confirmation as an epoch timestamp in seconds.
broadcasts integer false none number of transactions already broadcasted in this request.
minamout number false none minimum amount of change for the whole set of utxos.
utxos [UTXO] false none none


  "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
  "vout": 0,
  "scriptPubKey": "76a9148f8978cc74c8d76325eef60aed31b5dbab5884ac88ac",
  "amount": 0.06354


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
txid string(hex) false none txid of the transaction that contains the UTXO.
vout integer false none index of the UTXO in the output array of the transaction.
scriptPubKey string false none none
amount number false none none


  "txid": "0629bc8c86d3dd72d883ee6aa78c0b39034327b54ef6ff0763545fa162b5e33f",
  "vout": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
txid string(hex) false none txid of the transaction that contains the UTXO.
vout integer false none index of the UTXO in the output array of the transaction.